BIR Form 2307

How to Generate BIR Form 2307 | Form 2306

This tutorial assumes that the user has prior knowledge of preparing BIR Form 2307. If you have not prepared it before, is not for you yet. Nothing beats knowing the real thing, please head on to and learn it first.

Prepare the Excel Template

  1. Click the excel icon to choose the excel template to be used.

    Excel Template

  2. Click BIR Form 2307 to download the template. Open the template and take time to analyze the sample data. Row1 is fixed, DO NOT edit or fomat Row1. In case you accidentally edit it, please download a new copy of the template.

    a. Reporting_Month - month when the tax was withheld, do not leave it blank
    b. Vendor_TIN - 9 digit TIN, example 123-456-789-000, the first 9 digit is the TIN, do not leave it blank
    c. branchCode - the last digit 3 is the branch code, do not leave it blank
    d. address - Vendor address, optional
    e. nature - Nature of Income Payment is optional. Leave it blank to use default BIR description.
    f. ATC - required
    g. income_payment - number, required
    h. ewt_rate - ATC and ewt_rate should much
    i. tax_amount - income_payment multiply by ewt_rate

  3. Again, DO NOT edit Row1 and DO NOT work directly in the template. Common mistake on working directly in the template is selecting the whole column then clicking the comma ( , ) number format. In effect, Row1 was edited, resulting the whole column to errors. To resolve this error, download a new template.

    excel template error

Set BIR Header File (Owner's Info)

  1. Click "EDIT COMPANY NAME HERE" to set BIR Header Information. This is important because all DAT File will include this information

    bir header info
  2. All fields are required, DO NOT put dummy data, this will be part of your DAT File.

    bir header detail

  3. Click Save BIR Header File. You can save as many TINs as you want, all data and details will auto switch based on the TIN that you will use.

    save bir header file

Generate BIR Form 2307

  1. Once done on the template preparation and BIR Header Information, its time to convert your excel file template to BIR Form 2307. Accepts "xls" file only.

    generate bir dat file

  2. If error occured, please read it carefully then revise your file if necessary.